It's been awhile since I have posted, but I have not forgotten my quest. New things are still happening on a regular basis. However, life has got in the way and I have been remiss at sharing them with you all. On my laptop is a virtual sticky note with what has been accomplished, but not yet shared on the 50/50 Challenge blogspot. I’ll try and catch up, then post them in a more timely manner from now on.
My mouser friends will know instantly when I mention Folktoberfest what I am talking about. For my non-mouser friends, Folktoberfest is the Michigan version of the Wee Forest Folk collector’s convention I host in California each year. This year I flew into Grand Rapids to stay with my friend Lee. She was a volunteer at the event in charge of shipping so we went up to Clare, MI a day early. The event coordinator, Nancy B-R, put us up for the night in one of her vacation rental cabins on Budd Lake. Her group of cabins are called Snug Haven Resort.
I have wanted to visit Snug Haven for years. The photos on her website are inviting and it looks like a great place to unwind, but I have never managed to work it into my schedule or find someone to share the adventure. Then this opportunity popped up for Lee and her helpers (myself included) to do the event shipping from the Lodge.
Despite my expectations, things did not start out so well. Mother Nature decided to give us a chilly, wet October day for our arrival. The bottom door to the Lodge had been inadvertently left open and it was quite chilly inside the cabin. We literally huddled around the fire for the first hour or so until things warmed up inside. Lee had brought a pot of chili and had it simmering. As the temperature rose and the aroma of the chili filled the air, we perked up and started our packing duties for the event shipments to those who were unable to attend.
The Lodge cabin itself was charming with a wood paneled interior. The fireplace was the heat source, set to a thermostat so it turned on and off as needed. The view of the beach and lake was lovely, even on this gray, blustery day. We had work to do so it was not as relaxing as it could have been, but we shared some chili with our host and celebrated a friends birthday with cake later that evening. Spending time with friends is always a good end to any day, especially in a pleasant setting.
I often feel as if I need a vacation after I take a vacation, but I think I could end up well rested after a vacation at this charming little lake. I enjoyed my short stay at Snug Haven and hope to be back again some day...